Monday, January 10, 2011

Other High-Speed Rail Web Sites/Blogs

You have read, because we reproduced it on this blog recently, a major paper by William Grindley and his associates about high-speed rail financing. It is called: A Train to Nowhere But Bankruptcy

Here is another paper, this one entitled: Seven Deadly Financial Facts for California's High-speed Rail Authority:

These papers by William Grindley are seminal summaries of the financial shenanigans that contain more than enough empirical evidence that should make the California High-Speed Rail Project terminal. I consider them required reading.

In addition, here are some web-sites/bogs dedicated to rail and high-speed rail. Some sites are, and some are not opposed to high-speed rail. Some are blogs, many are articles or long papers. These are background reading and sources essential for an understanding of what's going on with HSR. They were an important part of my education. I would consider adding others if you bring them to my attention.

My entire purpose with this blog is to provide as much as information as I can to counter the public relations mythology spun by the high-speed rail promoters. If you believe that there are serious problems with high-speed rail in California, please bring this blog, to the attention of anyone you know who would be interested to learn more.


Articles and Papers: