Sunday, March 13, 2011

More Washington Congressmen and Senators to get in touch with about HSR

These are the guys who will determine the fate of high-speed rail funding in the US Congress over the next several months.  The Democrats support Obama's $53 billion authorization for HSR.  The Republicans oppose it.  Whether you are a Democrat, Republican or whatever, you should oppose it for all the reasons we have been hammering on in this blog.

Remember, if you are emailing them, be sure to give them your home address if you are not in their congressional district.  They obviously care more about their own constituents.  But, HSR is a hot-button issue and if you have something brief and intelligent to say, please say it. (No snarky ranting, like I do on this blog!)

Thanks to William Grindley for preparing this list.

Office of Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) - Henrik Van Der Vaart [172 Russell Office Bldg. Tel: 202 224 5754; email:]. Senator Coburn is on the Senate Appropriations Committee.  

Office of Congressman Jeff Denham (R-CA) - Bret Manley [1605 Longworth HOB; Tel: 202 225 4540; email:] Congressman Denham is on the Rail Subcommittee and has taken on the role of overseeing the CA project.  

Office of Congressman Tom Reed (R-NY) - Matt Kellogg [1037 Longworth HOB; Tel: 202 225 3161; email] Congressman Reed is on the Rail Subcommittee. 

Office of Congressman David Dreier (R-CA) - Alisa Do [233 Cannon HOB; Tel: 202 225 2305; email:
Office of Congressman Hal Rogers (R-KY), Chair of the House Appropriations Committee - Megan O'Donnell [2406 Rayburn HOB; Tel: 202 225 4601; email

Office of Congressman Brian Bilbray (R-CA) -Andrew Lund [2410 Rayburn HOB; Tel: 202 225 0508; email:

Office of Congressman John Campbell (R-CA) -David Malech [1507 Longworth HOB, Tel: 202 225 5611; email:

Office of Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) - Michael O'Neill, Legislative Assistant [2347 Rayburn HOB; Tel: 202 225 3906; email 

Office of Congressman Tom Latham (R-Iowa) - Senior Policy Analyst, Doug Bobbitt [2217 Rayburn HOB; Tel: 202 225 5476; email:]. 

Office of Congressman Jerry Lewis (R-CA) - Grady Bourn, Legislative Assistant [2112 Rayburn HOB, Tel: 202 225 5861; email].

Office of Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) - Rob McCarthy [1523 Longworth HOB; Tel: 202 225 2915; email

Office of Congressman Tom McClintock (R-CA) - Chief of Staff Igor Birman Esq. [428 Cannon HOB, Tel: 202 225 2511 [

Office of Congressman Gary G. Miller (R-CA) - Legislative Director Sandra Bitter [2349 Rayburn HOB; Tel: 202 225 3201;]. 

Office of Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) - Anne Megaro [1013 Longworth HOB; Tel:202 225 2523; email:

Office of Congressman Bill Shuster (R-PA) - Jeff Urbanchuk [204 Cannon HOB; Tel: 2020 225 2431; email:

Office of Senator David Vitter (R-LA) - Bryan Zumwalt [516 Hart Office Building; Tel: 202 224 4623; email: